Site Announcement


夏季时间:2024年5月13日- 7月26日 Monday - Thursday 8:00am - 4:30pm, Friday 8:00am - 12:00pm

Paying for College

Hawkeye strives to provide the highest quality education at the lowest cost possible.


Resident Non-Resident
Tuition $218 $221
Student Activity Fee $7 $7
每学时总学杂费 $225 $228

Planning College Costs


大学记分卡:一个计划和资源指南,可帮助您评估选择学校的选项. 大学导航员:一个提供包括学费和杂费在内的学校信息的消费者工具, 留校率和毕业率, financial aid, a cost calculator, 学生违约率.
College Financing Plan 退伍军人消费者信息


入学费用是靠谱买球app推荐学生的平均教育费用. This is often referred to as the student budget on financial aid offer letters.

本页列出的估计费用应有助于您在参加靠谱买球app推荐课程时规划自己的个人预算, but does not necessarily reflect your actual expenses. 实际花费取决于你的生活方式, 注册学分数, program of study, 住房安排.

2024 - 2025年预计费用

估计直接开支 $7,320
学费及学生活动费 $6,525
书籍、课程材料、用品和设备 $795
估计间接费用 $13,967
校外住宿和饮食 $10,340
个人与交通 $3,566
贷款费用,如果你借联邦贷款 $61
总估计出勤费用 $21,287

2023 - 2024年预计费用

估计直接开支 $7,444
学费及学生活动费 $6,308
书籍、课程材料、用品和设备 $1,136
估计间接费用 $12,512
校外住宿和饮食 $8,942
个人与交通 $3,502
贷款费用,如果你借联邦贷款 $68
总估计出勤费用 $19,956

Direct Expenses vs. Indirect Expenses



Indirect expenses are expenses that are incurred as a result of attending school, 不能通过靠谱买球app推荐计费, and are often paid to a third party outside the College. 对于靠谱买球app推荐来说,这将包括交通、书籍、其他用品、食物和住房.

In general, 当学生获得经济援助时, this aid is applied to the direct costs first for the semester. Once the student's direct costs are paid in full, 他们获得的任何剩余的经济援助将被发送给学生(或家长PLUS贷款的情况下),以支付间接费用.


在确定学生的经济需求时,靠谱买球app推荐需要使用估计出勤成本. 估计出勤费用也设定了学生可能获得的总经济援助的限制. The cost components that can be included are prescribed by law.

Cost Components Included in the Estimated Cost of Attendance

  • Tuition and fees:

  • 书籍、课程材料、用品和设备:

  • Transportation:

    • 估计是基于各州的平均水平 and economic factors.
    • 初步估计是根据每个秋季和春季学期16周的入学时间和夏季8周的入学时间计算的.
    • 该部分调整为学生在学期注册的实际周数 Financial Aid Lock Date.
  • Personal expenses:

    • 估计是基于各州的平均水平.
    • 初步估计是根据每个秋季和春季学期16周的入学时间和夏季8周的入学时间计算的.
    • 该部分根据学生在学期注册的实际周数进行调整 Financial Aid Lock Date.
    • 如果学生注册了五个或更少的学分,个人费用不包括在入学费用中.
  • Housing and food (formerly Room and Board) — Living Expenses:

    • Estimates are based on the Consumer Price Index (CPI).
    • 初步估计是根据每个秋季和春季学期16周的入学时间和夏季8周的入学时间计算的.
    • Students would have greater living expenses if they were living off-campus vs. with parent. The student indicates living arrangements on the FAFSA.
    • 靠谱买球app推荐没有学院自有的住房.
    • 该部分根据学生在学期注册的实际周数进行调整 Financial Aid Lock Date.
    • 如果学生注册了五个或更少的学分,住宿和食物费用不包括在入学费用中.
  • Loan fees:

    • Based on the average cost of borrowing student loans or parent PLUS loans. The average is calculated using Hawkeye student borrowing data from two years prior.


Some programs, 尤其是职业和技术项目, 可能有额外的费用,如课程费用, uniforms, tools, supplies, or equipment expenses. Contact your faculty advisor for estimated additional program costs.

如果你的费用超过了平均入学费用,并且你认为你的入学费用(学生预算)应该根据经济援助的目的进行调整,因为你参加了一个需要工具或设备的项目, please see Special and Unusual Circumstance Appeals > Cost of Attendance Appeal.

购买或租赁个人电脑可以包括在学生的预算时,文件提供给财政援助办公室. However, it does not guarantee additional financial assistance.

Dental Hygiene students have higher than the average costs for course fees. 这些费用将自动添加到学生预算中,以更准确地估计项目成本.

Financing Your Education

When planning how you will pay for your college education,

Option 1:

Free Money!

Grants and Scholarships

Unlike student loans, grants and scholarships do not need to be repaid! 每学年填写一份FAFSA表格 to apply for federal and state grants, as well as state scholarships.

花几分钟时间填一下 靠谱买球app推荐奖学金申请. By completing one application, you will apply for dozens of scholarships!

Also check out ScholarshipUniverse 为了获得更多的奖学金机会,并与你符合条件的奖学金相匹配!


Does your employer offer a tuition assistance program? 问问你的老板或人力资源部,看看这是否是你的员工福利之一. 弄清楚他们会支付什么,要求和期望,以及如何付款. If available, this is a benefit you won't want to miss out on!


If you, your spouse, 或者父母曾在军队服役, you may be eligible for military education benefits. Contact the veterans services coordinator for more information.

Option 2:

Pay As You Go


Do you have family members who will help you pay for college? If so, have a conversation with them to discuss how much they are planning to pay. What are their expectations if you accept their gift?


Have you saved any money to help pay for your education? 仅仅是支付贷款的利息和/或用你的存款买书就会对你需要借多少钱以及反过来还多少钱产生重大影响.


整个学期都在工作或在休息时间加班不仅能帮你支付账单, 但是如果你精打细算的话, 能帮你用更少的债务完成学业吗. Work Study positions and redtail领导美国志愿队 在校园里有吗 看看靠谱买球app推荐求职板 寻找更多的就业机会.

Option 3:

Borrow Money


Federal Direct Loans offer students a low interest, fixed-rate option to pay for college. You must 每学年提交FAFSA to apply for Federal Subsidized and Unsubsidized Direct student loans.


Parents may qualify for Parent PLUS Loans to help pay for their student's college education. Parents must complete a separate application to apply for the Parent PLUS loan.

Private Student Loans

Private Student Loans are also an option, but should only be used as a last resort. 这些贷款是通过银行或其他贷方获得的,通常有较高的利率和贷款费用. 私人学生贷款只能在所有其他财政援助选择已经用尽的情况下使用.

Paying Your Bill

Viewing Your Bill

Your bill for tuition, fees, and books may be viewed in Self-Service > Student Finance > Make a Payment.

Your bill will not show any awarded financial aid. 参见申请经济援助和你的奖励,步骤5:审查你的经济援助奖励.


如果你打算自己支付学费,或者你的经济援助不能支付你学生账户的全部余额, 你需要在学期的第一天到商务办公室安排付款.

Payment Options

There are several ways you can pay your bill at Hawkeye:

你要对……负责 tuition and fees 对于您已注册的课程. You will not be withdrawn from your courses for non-attendance; you are still responsible to pay your tuition and fees charges.

退出一门课程 Tuition Refund Policy



Starting Fall 2024 semester you will be withdrawn from your classes for non-payment, 但仍然有责任支付你的全部账单.


如果你没有支付学期的账单,你就可以退出课程. This is a last resort only after previous interventions have failed. 即使您因未付款而被撤回,您仍有责任全额支付您的账单.


Pay your bill in full by the first day of classes, or enroll in a payment plan. 你越早签署付款计划,你就越能将账单分摊到不同的付款中. 请参阅报名的目标日期.


如果你的账单仍然未付 November 1, 2024,你将被勒令休学. You are still responsible to pay your bill in full.

Hawkeye will check the status of your student account on October 28, 2024. 如果你拖欠还款计划, or if no payment plan has been set up and there is a balance on your student account, 你将失去对Canvas的访问权限,这是一个通知,表明你有被退学的风险.

If I'm withdrawn for nonpayment, will all my charges be reversed or removed?

No, you will still be responsible for the charges/fees for the term. To avoid being charged for classes you are registered for, you must officially drop 在学费退还截止日期前.

Why do we do this?

Financial responsibility is a key part of student success. 每学期支付账单意味着你可以避免累积债务或被送到催收处. As part of our commitment to your success, we provide:

  • Clear and reasonable payment requirements and timelines
  • Staff support for navigating complex financial decisions
  • 防范不必要债务的措施
  • 就你的选择进行持续、及时的沟通

We're here to help

Hawkeye is committed to your success as a student. 请靠谱买球app推荐寻求帮助.

Contact the Business Office to discuss your outstanding balance.

Contact the Financial Aid office for questions about financial aid.

Visit with your advisor 如需额外协助.

Outstanding Balances

Once a year, Hawkeye submits outstanding balances of $50 or more to the 爱荷华州补偿计划. The program may collect your state tax refund to pay your outstanding balance. The 爱荷华州补偿计划 is operated by the Iowa Department of Revenue.

靠谱买球app推荐也与 第三方催收机构 for collection of debts.

Contact the Business Office to discuss your outstanding balance.

Financial Aid

Hawkeye Center 118
800-670-4769 ext.4020
319-209-9239 (text only)
319-296-4495 (fax)
Email Financial Aid

Business Office


正常工作时间- 2024年夏季

May 13 – July 26, 2024

Friday 8:00am – 12:00pm

正常工作时间- 2024年秋季

2024年7月29日- 12月20日


If campus is closed, the Financial Aid Office and the Business Office are also closed. 这包括与天气有关的关闭. 参见预定的大学关闭.

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